Thursday, May 31, 2012

Story Time... [An Unusual Memorial Day]

It all started late Sunday night, also known as early Monday morning, around 3 am. My roommate and I finally decided to hit the hay, so we went our separate ways to get ready for bed. Now, I say roommate, but that's not completely accurate... yet. I don't get to move into our wonderful apartment until August, so this weekend I was sleeping on the couch. As I was getting ready for bed I walked back into the living room and saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I bent down and found a 4 foot long, ball python hanging out on our Wii balance board. Let it be known that I am terrified of snakes (and many other things but we'll just leave it at that for now), so naturally I ran away. Honestly, I couldn't believe it even though I saw it myself, so I went back to look (from a safe distance) and it was gone. Of course, then the little sucker decided to show up on the other side of the entertainment center popping out next to the TiVo.
I may or may not have been standing on top of our desk at this point, where all of my stuff was rather conveniently placed. Seeing as how fast the snake disappeared the first time, combined with the fact that I didn't even believe I saw it myself at first, I grabbed my camera to get some proof. Then the evil little thing starts moving around and coming closer, probably just to scare the pants off of me. It slithered its way onto the floor, over to our lanai door, and behind the blinds where I couldn't see it anymore. Until it came to the other side anyways...
Keep in mind I was terrified and across the room with a super zoomed in camera, so don't judge the picture quality!
Finally, after pounding on her door again, my roommate woke up. We hid in her room with the door closed and sheets shoved up against the crack of the door. As we were locked up in the room she started looking for numbers to call and I started trying to figure out what kind of snake it was based off of the pictures I took. After my research I was pretty confident it was a ball python, which we got confirmed the next morning by people on facebook. However, you would not believe how hard it is to get someone to remove a snake from your apartment. We called some domestic animal control number first and they told us they only dealt with cats and dogs. Then we found a number for another animal control place and they told us that they couldn't do anything until we went through our landlords, so we called them and with nothing left to do but wait, went to bed.
We never did hear back from them, and spent most of the day at the kitchen table with our feet up trying to contact someone to come get the snake. Eventually we found the snake (curled up next to a cabinet in the above picture) and a couple of our friends came over to save us. They put her in a pillow case and took her away, after we affectionately named her Moey, a mix of Megan(my roommate) and Chloe(myself). It's a lot easier to be cool with a snake after it's out of sight.
In the words of my roommate: This is a Memorial Day I will memorialize.

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