Saturday, October 12, 2013

It's time to... [Revitalize]

Lately I've been slacking on a lot of things. My dishes are piling up to an absurd height and clutter abounds. Granted these past few weeks I've gotten more hours at work, which is great because I need the money, but not so great when it comes to my being productive outside of work. I definitely need to work on my time management skills and even more so on being more proactive overall, because let's be honest.... I'm just flat out lazy. I'd prefer to sit and watch countless episodes of Supernatural on Netflix than to get up and start scrubbing the near-living grime off my dishes. 

So what's the plan, Stan? The plan is to get my junk together, hold myself accountable, and not give up this time. I'm going to start cleaning the dishes before they come alive, putting away my clutter before it buries myself and my cat alive, and try to keep up with it all as I go so I'm not stuck spending an entire day catching up. In addition to being cleaner, I also really want to strive towards living healthier: cutting down on soda, drinking more water, actually using my yoga mat that's sitting in the corner, and perhaps eating a little healthier. 

On that note, I'm off to do some dishes! Wish me luck, guys, I'm going to need it...

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Little Things

Lately I've been letting a lot of things get to me way too easily, and therefore have been spending a lot of time off by myself wallowing. Fortunately, I also find joy in lots of little things, so here is my little list of Little Things:

  1. Midnight walks to Circle K
  2. Netflix
  3. Thunderstorms and my porch
  4. Kittens
  5. Back freckles and a scruffy face
  6. Poetry
  7. Ending things on my favorite number

Definitely kittens.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Easiest Cat Toy Ever.

I think I'm going to call this the "This Is So Easy To Make I Can't Believe I Ever Spent Money On Cat Toys" Cat Toy. It seriously could not get any easier than this. I started by looking up easy cat toy ideas with yarn because I had some extra yarn lying around and a bored kitten who needed to be entertained. The idea that I saw the most was the little yarn pom poms that typically go on the ends of knit hats and what not. However, pretty much all of the tutorials I read required either some sort of tool or at least a cardboard cutout, neither of which I had. I decided to take the basic idea, get rid of the tool, and add a long string to make it a more interactive cat toy instead of just a ball for the cat to bat around.

Things you'll need:

The first thing you do is wrap a good little bundle of yarn around your middle three fingers (not too tight so you can slide it off after). The amount of yarn is really up to you. Basically, the more yarn you use the thicker and denser your pom pom is going to be. Make sure you leave a length of string at the end, not wrapped, to hold onto while playing (unless you don't want to, it works both ways).

When you're done with this part, slip the bunch of yarn off your fingers, holding it together so it doesn't unravel.

Take the length of yarn that isn't wrapped and tie a knot around the bunch so it stays together.

Once it's nice and tight, take your scissors and begin cutting the loops along the top and bottom, being careful not to cut the knot in the middle.

Fluff out the pieces after they've all been cut, and there you have it. Easiest cat toy ever.

After running around the house with the toy (with Binx in hot pursuit) I got lazy and tied it to a chair so he could continue playing by himself. He seemed to enjoy it just as much.

Monday, April 22, 2013


I realize I kind of disappeared from the blogging world after only my second post, but I'm hoping to come back and actually stick around this time.
Originally I had a few other posts drafted that never made it live on the interwebz, but since I started them so long ago they aren't really relevant anymore and I've decided to start fresh. My posts may still be slow coming for a little while, but hopefully soon it will become a habit and I won't let it fall on the back burner again. After all I'm still a baby crawling around the blogging world. For the time being I've got a few posts in the works and then hopefully soon I'll be wearing my big girl blogging pants.
Peace out,